Tuesday, April 14, 2009

EVE here I COME!

Someone was nice enogh to donate $80.00 towards my new graphics card! :)
W000000T! :)

Don't know if I should say who, and he doesn't play eve either, but he's in the gaming clan I'm in and he wanted to shut me up ha ha :)

Anyway, I gotta wait till my rents get back so I can get my dad to order it for me, cause I don't have a credit card and the guys don't accept paypal. . .

But still! 80 bucks! :)

2nd prize goes to who gave me $3.40 (TheFridgeMaster)
3rd prize goes to who gave me $2.00 (Cpt Easystreet)
and 4th prize goes to who gave me $1.00 (Raalic)

Thanks also guys :) :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Yeah, my awesome graphics card has decided to die I think so until I can gather enough money for a new card I will be using my brothers computer to switch skills etc, my old computer cant run the new eve either so I'm a bit fucked :(
If anyone here has any spare cash in there paypal it would be awesome if you could help me out to buy a new graphics card, I currently have $120 out of $197 AUD to buy a new card with, I've made a donations link at the top right of this page! :)

Please, any donation is good!

Lulz counter!

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