He he he, for the past week i been playing round with a rifter setup which seems to be working out great, even know its all T1, I took on 5 medium drones and could almost DPS a hulk's tank until a drake came to help lol.
Then with my ruppy I went to try and DPS the drake, same shit happened ha ha.
So maybe i should start to fit T2 weps, or at least some faction ammo? :| lol.
I gotta say though, after a few encounters in my Rifter (with corpies and other 1v1's i did to hull) the Rifter is an awesome frig, and certainly proves size dont mean strength :)
And anyone interested in joining AJAZZ, PLEASE JOIN!!! :)
We need anyone who can fight! :)
and even if your a miner join our public chat and hang around!
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